Do not let my beauty deceive you, I'm a really severe Mistress who will take you to your limits and beyond. I will get fantastic pleasure in taking you there. Come discover each fantasy. All will probably be in total privacy together with your safety in thoughts. I provide sensual domination and some fetishes only. Don't call and talk about with me over the telephone your fantasies, I will finish the call based on my intuition that you simply aren't sincerely looking for to reside them out in individual as you need to with me. In other words, Don't waste my time. I'm 5ft 6", a size 12 dress, 36DDD breasts. My boooty is round and sexy. I'm neither slim nor fat. I've natural curves and extremely busty. I've a really fairly face with large bedroom eyes, voluptuous, hourglass figure, 36DDD-32-38 which will probably be certain to light your fire on get in touch with.
Trampling Strap-on Play Slapping Domination Nipple Torture CBT Corporal Punishment Spanking Whipping Caning Verbal and Physical Humiliation Degradation Sissification Role Play Cross Dressers Welcome! Slut and Slave Training Smoking / Human Ash Tray Foot / Leg Worship Boot Worship Financial / Blackmail Domination.